What prayer appeals to you at this moment?
If you can’t think of one, try this:
Mother/Father/God/Infinite Oneness,
I release this concern/ person/ situation into Your
There are really four parts to praying, from my experience: Ask (pray for what you want/need). Listen (for the whisper or urge or guidance). Take action (on what has been provided without hesitation). Receive (with gratitude!).
So, today, I prayed, asking Spirit to show me sweetness in my life on the emotional, mental and spiritual levels. I was in a minor funk, needing "something extra". I asked, listened, then took action by continuing to move through my day, trusting that what I asked for would come.
And they ALL came. These are the ones I noticed (I'm sure there are ones I missed):
My colleague wrote in an email, "That's why I think you're the bees knees" in response to a quick email I'd written, acknowledging that I was taking care of a request from a student.
In reflecting on playing the Transformation Game (It's quite a revealing and inspirational "game" -- unlike any other. See for information about it.) yesterday, I "get" how much time and energy I spend in the mental realm -- an easy place for me -- yet when I suspend attachment, life gets sweeter and easier.
And my friend Nita called. We talked briefly to catch up. When I told her I was in this funk, she offered to do some remote energy healing for/on me. Sent by Spirit, I'm sure.
Look what happens when you/I ask, then listen... and receive.
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