Friday, January 29, 2016

Review the "Four Agreements"

Review the Four Agreements
The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom
By Don Miguel Ruiz, MD

The thousands of agreements we have made with ourselves – and others – have shaped our lives and our personalities. Some of these agreements have caused suffering; others have resulted in fulfillment and joy. The ones that are fear-based require energy,  keep us trapped, and powerless. Those agreements that help us express our personal power, those that come from a place of love, help us conserve and generate energy. 

Four simple yet powerful agreements that will help us transform our lives as well as the dream we have created include:

Be Impeccable with Your Word

Don’t Take Anything Personally

Don’t Make Assumptions

Always Do Your Best

What agreement will you focus on to help with this situation?

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

How Shadow Voices Heal Us

How Shadow Voices Heal Us
See Embracing Ourselves: The Voice Dialogue Manual
by Hal Stone and Sidra Stone

Underneath any physical or psychological condition, a part of you is ardently trying to make its voice heard. Our shadow voices hold energies, memories and information for us. Often we suppress, ignore or push away these voices because they don't express themselves in ways that are easy to hear. 

Create a map of the messages that your inner selves say. Follow your emotions as well as your energy as you:

· Recognize strong “shadow” voices—parts of the unconscious mind that consist of repressed powers, needs, and instincts. For example, if you're angry or frustrated, this voice is a call to change what you're thinking or doing in response to what is happening.

· Identify the “gatekeepers”—those cultural and personal selves that protect us so well that they can also block our inner work. Notice any resistance you may be experiencing. "I don't want to..." is a clue!

· Discover the inner child who lies beneath many physical problems and who needs to be heard, understood or acknowledged. 

· Name or label, then release unexpressed emotions. These sometimes represent our ugly underbelly that we don't want to expose because they make us feel so vulnerable or afraid that we'll be judged and rejected.

Once you have acknowledged some of the voices that need to be heard, you have a better chance of making a good decision.

What steps occur to you to take once you’ve truly listened to your shadow voices?   

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Become Present

Become Present
(Inspired by Jack Kornfield)

Before you DO anything else, sit quietly for just a few minutes. Tune inward -- this may take some practice! And begin to notice your body and emotions. 

What are you feeling right now?

What are your body sensations? Where in your body do you experience the feelings?

Just notice without needing to do anything with or about it. 

Allow the feelings to be there. You're experiencing them for a reason and they can guide your next step if you understand their message. 

Your body has some information for you too. Tune into it. Maybe you know what it's saying or what it means; maybe tuning in deeper could help. 

Give yourself the gift of presence and of the space to pause, notice and integrate. 

From this calm, present place, allow yourself to create your next step. 

Saturday, January 2, 2016

Read! (or listen)

Read! (or listen)

Read an inspirational book, article or quote – or listen to an audio program or podcast – that can help you shift your perspective on what is going on.

What new insights does this bring to what is happening?