Friday, February 14, 2014

Return to Your Own “Big Picture”

Return to Your Own “Big Picture”
Returning to your personal vision, mission or life purpose
can bring clarity of thought to most situations. 
These bring a “big picture” perspective that is sometimes helpful
when we’re facing challenges.

Vision: What qualities or attributes do you have that are immediately recognized by others? Who are you here to BE as your highest and best self?

Mission: What are you here to DO? What are you here in this life to accomplish?

Purpose: Why are you here? Why are you here? Why are you here?
(If you don’t already have a vision, mission or purpose statement for yourself, spend some time in quiet meditation posing the questions to yourself and jotting notes about the answers that come to you.)

With your vision, mission or purpose statement as a reference point,
what steps will you take now?

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